Intro Questions Please fill out this intro questionnaire and we’ll move forward with scheduling a vetting meeting. Don’t be intimidated - it’s not a job application. The answers you provide will be accessible by all current members. 0. Your contact email 1. What’s your first name and your pronouns? (Are you comfortable with letting us know about a social media account of yours, or are you already part of another socialist group in Southwestern PA that can vouch for you? It helps us determine in advance that applicants aren’t reactionaries. We do not want to know your last name.) 2. Please provide a screenshot of your SRA membership confirmation, including your 11-digit member ID. This was likely emailed to you. If contacting via the forums, please simply send along your 11-digit member ID. member ID 3. What brings you to the SRA? 4. Where do you live? Not your exact address, but the area? (Municipality etc.) 5. ArE yOu A cOp? (You have to tell us legally.) 6. What is your experience with firearms? 7. Can you briefly describe your opinions surrounding US imperialist structures, including domestic law enforcement and intelligence? 8. What is your experience with leftist politics, and do you have any experience with organizing? 9. What does being on the political left mean to you? What pushed you left and why did you seek out a leftist organization like the SRA to join? 10. Feel free to drop any information about your profession, hobbies that may be relevant to mutual aid work, organizing, or activism etc. 11. If you proceed to an in-person vetting meeting, would you be comfortable being vetted alongside another applicant? yesno